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East Bay Times endorsement
"she is hands down superior to her opponent"
Recent Letters To The Editor: 
Supervisor has been good for area
Diane Burgis has made a positive impact on our community as District 3 Supervisor over the past four years, and I hope she is elected for four more.
Join me in voting for Burgis
Diane displayed an extensive knowledge of the issues at hand and proposed solutions facing the supervisors.
Letter Writer Says Diane Burgis Leads the Way
I have found her accessible, accountable, and devoted to her community
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East Bay Times Opinion/Editorials                        January 14 2020

Our endorsements for California’s March 3 early primary election

Here are our recommendations so far for the March 3 election. Click on the links to read the full editorials. Check back for regular updates.



Preparing for the 2020 U.S. Census                          

While the census count is the responsibility of the U.S. Census Bureau and the federal government, Contra Costa County promotes it. It is vital to get an accurate count of how many people live in the county, District 3 Supervisor and Contra Costa County Census Committee Chair Diane Burgis says, not only to maintain funding and representation, but also to know the composition of the people who live here.

Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors installs new leadership         

The Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors held a swearing-in ceremony for Supervisor Candace Andersen as Board Chair and Supervisor Diane Burgis as Vice Chair at its January 7 Board meeting.

East Contra Costa Fire Protection District reelects board president, vice president

January 22, 2020

“I’ve really enjoyed working with President Oftedal and Vice President Smith over the last year,” said Contra Costa County District 3 Supervisor Diane Burgis. “With their fellow directors and Chief Helmick, they’ve worked incredibly hard to increase residents’ understanding of the challenges the district faces and its history. I think they’ve earned a lot of trust, and I look forward to working with them next year.”


Contra Costa County Census 2020 Phase II Grant Funding Available

“Community Based Organizations have the most hands on experience working with our hard-to-count residents. They know how to meet their communities where they’re at and will be key to ensure we have a complete count in 2020,”


Blackhawk reps holding public safety town hall next week

Event to discuss funding for law enforcement, PG&E outages Tuesday

At the town hall, Burgis will be joined by Contra Costa County Sheriff David Livingston and San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District Fire Chief Paige Meyer to address a variety of topics that will include PG&E's Public Safety Power Shutoff program and funding for local law enforcement services.


Crackdown on illegal dumping coming to the East Bay

“We're looking at lighting, cameras," explained Burgis, "We're looking at people who are supposed to have garbage service that they're actually subscribing. We're making sure we're looking at how we're doing outreach, for people who need to know how to get rid of a mattress or chemicals."


East Family Justice Center opens in Antioch


Diane Burgis, Contra Costa County Supervisor for District 3, discusses the importance of the opening of the new East Family Justice Center in Antioch, Friday, Sept. 27, 2019. The nonprofit center will help victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and more. This is the third location in the county. 

  Video Supervisor Diane Burgis at FJC opening in Antioch

Supervisor Diane Burgis Talks Drone Opportunity in Contra Costa County

In this short clip 5 minute clip , Burgis talks about the potentially of what this could mean for Contra Costa County and potentially be an industry game changer. 


Update with Contra Costa County Supervisor Diane Burgis PODCAST


Watershed Champions and Projects Honored



No Citizenship Question, but Counties Are Still Worried About a Census Undercount


“If we don’t count them, we can’t serve them,” Burgis said.



Illegal Dumping Target Of East Bay Program

Contra Costa and Alameda counties have been awarded a state-funded grant that will be used to help prevent civilians in both areas from illegally dumping unwanted belongings.





Supervisor Diane Burgis recovering well from heart surgery

Burgis recovering after having aortic valve replaced



Supervisor Diane Burgis to have open-heart surgery

Contra Costa supervisor to have operation at John Muir Medical Center in Concord


open roads with doug mcconnell

Follow Marsh Creek in eastern Contra Costa County from Mount Diablo into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and meet the people who are passionate about protecting it.

Older Articles:

Burgis the best choice for Contra Costa County

Diane wants to protect our waterways. She is the director of the Friends of Marsh Creek Watershed and serves as a director of East Bay Regional Park District. Her endorsements include the greatest supporters in our tunnel fight: Jerry McNerney, Mary Piepho, Joan Buchanan and a long list of most of our elected officials. Just check out each of their websites, (to see) which officials endorse whom.

Lemyre Says Burgis Best Candidate for County Board of Supervisor

If you’d like to see an attitude of cooperation and progress at the highest level of our county government, join me in voting for Diane. Let’s see how much we can get done working together.

Writer Supports Diane Burgis for County Supervisor

I am in awe of her ability to mobilize people into achieving ambitious goals that at first seem impossible in the face of government bureaucracy. She has continued to refine these skills as an Oakley city council member and currently as an East Bay Regional Park District Board member.

Former Save Mt. Diablo executive director writes to support Burgis for Supervisor

I am confident that Diane has the unique skill set that a leader needs to balance strong fiscal discipline with our universal desire to protect our environment, invigorate and enhance our historic agricultural lands, create high paying jobs, expand transportation options to ease congestion, revitalize each of our city’s downtown areas and to strengthen the safety net for our most vulnerable neighbors..

Bipartisan Community Leaders Rally Around Diane Burgis for Supervisor

Community leaders, including Democrats, Republicans and Independents, joined together today to announce their unified support for Diane Burgis for Contra Costa County Supervisor in District Three.

Diane Burgis Gets Public Safety Endorsement

“Diane will work hard to develop the resources our police, firefighters and prosecutors need to keep us safe,” said Contra Costa County District Attorney Mark Peterson. “As a small business owner, nonprofit manager and public official, she has proven that she can balance a budget and defend taxpayers. I endorse her with no reservations – our county needs a real leader on the board.”

Retired Save Mt. Diablo Executive Director Supports Diane Burgis for Supervisor

No other candidate has the environmental leadership experience she offers.  The League of Conservation Voters and Retired Assemblywoman Joan Buchanan endorse Diane, along with numerous environmental leaders including myself.

Endorsing Burgis

"At a time when running down other candidates might be a method to gain votes, Diane would rather use that time to talk about her ideas and plans for our area. She isn’t running to inflate her resume. She is our neighbor, her roots are here and she truly is concerned for the future of our county."

Piepho writes in support of Burgis for Supervisor

"Diane is uniquely qualified to serve on the Board of Supervisors. She is a true leader and has all of the qualities I feel are the most important to serve the citizens of District III.  Diane is a fiscal conservative; supports police and firefighters that work hard to make our communities safe; supports investment into our transportation system; she is approachable and knowledgeable; advocates to protect our Bay/Delta and our environment; and most importantly, Diane cares about you."

Letter writer supports Burgis for Supervisor

"Diane is a leader who knows how to build consensus and bring people together. Diane has the endorsement of over sixty leaders throughout the county and state, including all of the current Trustees on the EBRPD."

East Contra Costa:

Supe hopefuls want more local services

“Burgis said retaining sheriff's deputies is a key issue and low pay may not be the only factor -- new hires' job assignments may be prompting some departures, too. Both need to be addressed, she said. "We need to have a strong sheriff's presence in unincorporated East County."

League of Conservation Voters of the East Bay endorse Burgis for County Supervisor

“Diane Burgis is committed to standing up for a clean environment,” said Beth Gunston, President of the Board of Directors of the League of Conservation Voters of the East Bay.  “As executive director of the Friends of Marsh Creek Watershed and a trustee of the East Bay Regional Park District, Diane has been fighting for clean water and open space throughout her personal and professional life.”

Diane Burgis receives Women Improving the Environment Award from the Contra Costa Women’s Hall of Fame

Diane Burgis, a trustee on the East Bay Regional Parks District Board and Executive Director of Friends of the Marsh Creek Watershed received the Women Improving the Environment Award from the Contra Costa Women’s Hall of Fame, Tuesday night in Concord.

Diane Burgis to Receive Women Improving the Environment Award from the Contra Costa Women’s Hall of Fame

The Board of Supervisors established the Contra Costa Women’s Hall of Fame in October 1997 to acknowledge those exceptional, multifaceted women who have enhanced life in Contra Costa County through their careers and volunteer activities.

The honorees have made a difference through their efforts towards equity, innovation, service or achievement in commerce or community outreach.

Sunday: Open Roads with Doug McConnell Features Marsh Creek

“It’s a celebration of Marsh Creek and everyone coming together to preserve this local treasure,” says Diane Burgis, executive director of the Friends of Marsh Creek Watershed. “It was great to show Doug McConnell the area and all the partners working together to preserve, protect and promote Marsh Creek.” Link to Open Road Episode

Contra Costans to be inducted into Women's Hall of Fame

The Contra Costa Commission for Women will pay tribute to a dozen advocates for their roles in promoting sisterhood.

Set for March 24, the 13th Women's Hall of Fame will honor in the category of Women Improving the Environment category, it's Diane Burgis, Friends of Marsh Creek Watershed executive director (Oakley).

Diane Burgis Talks Supervisor Race, Hopes to “Build Up” Contra Costa County

East Bay Regional Park District Trustee and Former Oakley City Councilwoman Diane Burgis announced her intention to run for Contra Costa County Board of Supervisor, District 3 this past December shortly after Supervisor Mary Nejedly Piepho announced that she would retire at the end of her term after serving on the Board of Supervisors since 2004. Piepho has endorsed Burgis.

Good Neighbors by Faith Barnidge: Women's Hall of Fame nominees

The Contra Costa Board of Supervisors established the Contra Costa Women's Hall of Fame in 1997, under the sponsorship of Supervisor Mark DeSaulnier and the Women's Advisory Committee, now known as the Contra Costa Commission for Women, to acknowledge exceptional women who have enhanced life in Contra Costa County through their careers and volunteer activities. Honorees have made a difference through their efforts toward equity, innovation, service or achievement in commerce or community outreach.

Diane Burgis, Vanessa Perry Recognized for Efforts to Combat Suicide in Contra Costa

OAKLEY, CA – At today’s meeting of the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisor, Diane Burgis, the Contra Costa Crisis Center and Safekeepers were given a resolution in recognition of their work to combat suicide in Oakley.

Recruited by Piepho, Diane Burgis to run for County Supervisor in District 3

Today, Tuesday, December 22, 2015, Diane Burgis, an East Bay Regional Parks District Trustee, representing Antioch and other parts of East County, announced her candidacy for Contra Costa County Supervisor in District 3.

“New opportunities sometimes come when you least expect them,” said Diane Burgis.  “After discussion with my children, Supervisor Mary Piepho and supporters, I have decided to run for Supervisor".

Diane Burgis to Run for County Supervisor, Endorsed by Supervisor Piepho

Today, Diane Burgis, a trustee on the East Bay Regional Parks District Board, announced her candidacy for Contra Costa County Supervisor, District III. 

Oakley suicide prevention workshop teaches participants what to look for

Residents came together at a city-sponsored workshop Thursday night to learn how to prevent suicide in their community.The suicide prevention and intervention workshop was co-hosted by the city and the Contra Costa Crisis Center in response to recent suicides, Councilwoman Diane Burgis said.

A Creek Runs Through Us

By Diane Burgis 110 Degree Magazine

Environmental restoration and protection is an idea whose time has come. People are beginning to embrace the reality that preserving wildlife habitat must be a core value because at some fundamental level we realized that our success in doing so is ultimately connected to our own preservation as a species on this planet.

Williams’ death casts light on local issue

“My goal is to provide resources to get people the help they need,” said Oakley Councilwoman Diane Burgis. “I would like there to be more conversations and information going out to help break down the stigma so that people aren’t afraid or embarrassed to get help.”

Oakley suicides spur councilwoman to action

An Oakley councilwoman's concern about the number of suicides that have occurred in the city this year has brought community leaders together to spread a message of hope: Help is available.

Oakley neighbors come together virtually during ordeal that leaves them homebound

"A lot of people were needing to get to each other and had concerns. That's the beauty of social media. It can help people to be not quite as scared," Burgis said. "This is a community. We take care of each other."

Nonprofits network at roundtable discussion

Local nonprofit representatives assembled at Oakley City Hall on Monday for the third installment of the Nonprofit Roundtable series hosted by Councilmember Diane Burgis. Burgis is the executive director of Friends of Marsh Creek Watershed, so she knows a thing or two about what it takes to run a successful nonprofit, and she understands the challenges of doing good in the community. The Nonprofit Roundtable series is a way for local nonprofit representatives to network and learn from each other’s failures and successes.

Councilwoman Burgis Joins Delta Protection Commission

Kudos go out tonight to Oakley Councilwoman Diane Burgis who was sworn in to the Delta Protection Commission in Stockton tonight. This is a great thing for not only the Delta, but for Contra Costa County.


Oakley teen continues to beat medical odds

Living with tumors that permeate his body has made 13-year-old Sam Burgis a master at adaptation. The Oakley resident has a hard time writing, so he draws and paints to express himself. He has trouble balancing, so instead of riding dirt bikes with his two brothers, they play video games.

The Little Things That Made A Big Difference

By Diane Burgis - Handprints Childrens Hospital Oakland

I HAVE THREE BEAUTIFUL BOYS, each very different and yet so similar. Each day with them is a genuine gift, and I savor the privilege of being their mom. I’ve felt that way from the first moments of my pregnancies, and even more so after November 1994.





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